Dear members of PERSPECTIV,
Unfortunately, the pandemic is still not over. This continues to have a significant impact on our historic theaters in Europe, but especially on the world of art and culture.
However, there are again many news from PERSPECTIV that show that our theaters are still alive and active. Therefore, you are receiving the first newsletter for the year 2021, with which we want to inform you about the activities of PERSPECTIV and its member theaters.
If you have interesting news, please send us the corresponding information. We can then publish them in one of the next newsletters.
Please stay healthy!
Best regards, The PERSPECTIV board
Mark Fox (President), Åsa Tillman (Vice-President), Benedetta
Diamanti (Vice-President), Matthias Wickert (Treasurer), Fredrik
Forslund, Marilena Frati, Rupert Rhymes, Kristin Sohel, Lamberto
Tronchin, Paul S. Ulrich, Christina Valenti
News from the board and the office:
- The board has decided that the general meeting to be held this year online at the end of September 2021. The exact date will be announced shortly.
It is planned to discuss new projects in different online forums after the official general meeting. In addition, Paul Atkins will probably give a report on the project "Teatro San Cassiano" (The Reconstruction of the Opera in Venice).
- We have new members:
Luise Calf, Bakewell, Derbyshire, Great Britan.
Kristin Søhoel, Halden,Norway (She was previously a representative of Fredrikshalds teater in Halden, Norway and has now become an individual member of PERSPECTIV after leaving the theater.
- Some members have not paid their membership fee for 2021 (partly also for the previous years). We would be very happy if you could make up for this soon.
- At our Facebookaccount we have as of 01.04..2021 a total of 1,022 (previously 949) "Like" and 1,093 subscribers.
The PERSPECTIV group on Facebook now has 549 members.
News from the member theatres
1. Theater Freiberg, Germany (member since 2020) unveils PERSPECTIV plaque at its theatre

Photo by Elias Han: Lord Mayor Sven Krüger and Artistic Director Ralf-Peter Schulze unveiling the membership plaque of "PERSPECTIV Society of Historic Theatres of Europe" in front of the theatre.
Announcement by the Mittelsächsischen Theaters in Freiberg
In 2020, the Freiberg Theatre was accepted as a member of PERSPECTIV, the "Society of Historic
Theatres in Europe". This happened on the initiative and suggestion of the artistic director RalfPeter Schulze, who was already preparing the Kammertheater Neubrandenburg, as the oldest theatre in Mecklenburg, for membership. "The idea is always to connect the historical theatres that still work with lively ensembles with each other in order to seek artistic exchange," says the artistic director. Freiberg's mayor Sven Krüger unveiled a plaque that now also officially confirms the theatre's historical status.
The PERSPECTIV statutes state that by becoming a member of the "Association of Historic
Theatres of Europe" we are documenting our commitment to protecting this special part of Europe's common cultural heritage, because we are aware that "in the theatres, Europe's humane message and history come to life in their most beautiful form".
PERSPECTIV aims to raise awareness of the commonality and diversity of Europe's cultural heritage and make it accessible to as many people as possible. In addition, the work on the Europe Route strengthens cross-border cooperation in Europe. As of now, we are also working on becoming a tourist part of the Germany Route of Historic Theatres.
World Theatre Day" was proclaimed in 1961 and has been celebrated annually on 27 March ever since. Internationally renowned theatre people are asked to write a message in which they address the meaning and impact of stage art in a social context. The text is translated into dozens of languages and distributed worldwide. An excerpt from this year's message, by actress Helen Mirren, will be featured in the video as well as a greeting by PERSPECTIV President Mark Fox from London.
The plaque is a very nice idea that can be imitated by PERSPECTIV member theatres.
2. The Theatre Museum and The Court Theatre Copenhagen (Member of PERSPECTIV) has been closed and will be renovated and refurbished immediately. Peter Teilmann has written the following article for us

We are restoring The Court Theatre
The more than 250-year-old Court Theatre, beautifully located by Christiansborg Riding Ground, needs a thorough restoration, so that also in the future the theatre can create experiences and activities for the thousands of guests who every year visit The Theatre Museum at The Court Theatre and its theatre hall, which is the oldest in Denmark. The Court Theatre will have a completely new arrival area to make it more accessible and create space for facilities such as reception, shop, café, cloakroom, modern toilets and lift. The authentic and beautiful unique interiors of The Court Theatre are restored and the many stories that are hidden in the walls are brought out. New special exhibitions, performances, etc. activities for the joy and benefit of all both at home and abroad, from near and far will fill The Court Theatre.
The secret Court Theatre
The Court Theatre is the oldest theatre house in Denmark. It is mysterious, filled with more than 250 years of historical atmosphere. Like other absolute kings around Europe, Christian 7 wantedd to have a more private theatre for himself and the elite of power. Thus in 1767 The Court Theatre was built into the wing of the first Christiansborg Palace from the 1730s. It happened here above the Royal Stables. The Palace burned down in 1794, but the Royal Stables and The Court Theatre were untouched by the flames.
The Story of The Court Theatre
The Court Theatre also escaped the next Christiansborg fire in 1884. However, it had already been closed three years previously in 1881, as a result of the fire at the Ring Theatre in Vienna when 500 spectators perished. In 1922, The Court Theatre opened again and now The Theatre Museum had moved in. Today, every niche in The Court Theatre contains traces of the history of The Court Theatre and of the engagement of the art of theatre with the world outside.
The Court Theatre at Christiansborg Palace was built during absolutism in 1767 as a more or less private theatre for the Royal House and court. In the early decades, there was only access for the circle around the autocratic king, Christian 7. Since then, The Court Theatre has opened up more on several occasions. During the 25 year period from 1804 until 1830 The Court Theatre housed the theatre and ballet schools of The Royal Theatre.
In 1842 Denmark's last autocratic king, Christian 8, took the initiative for a comprehensive renovation and restoration of The Court Theatre, when the theatre hall in particular received a boost. For a number of years he opened the house to an Italian theatre troupe and to a new bourgeois audience. To this day, the hall appears as in Christian 8's time – in plush, red and gold, as you can experience it in a number of European opera houses from the19th century.
The Court Theatre was closed in 1881 due to a fire hazard, and lay dormant for about 40 years. In
1922 the then 10-year-old Theatre Museum moved in to the magnificent premises, and The
Theatre Museum at The Court Theatre was born. Today The Theatre Museum at The Court Theatre is something as rare as a theatre museum that exists within the framework of a historical court theatre, where the theatrical history museum dissemination and the dissemination of a court theatre are combined with a living theatre scene and various cultural activities.
The Court Theatre – now and in the future
To ensure that The Theatre Museum at The Court Theatre can live on both as a contemporary museum and historical attraction and join us in the future, The Court Theatre will be closed during the period March 2021 – December 2022.
The historical interiors will be gently restored, the outdated installations and facilities will be renewed, a completely new arrival area will be created in the old audience staircase, the technical conditions around hall and stage will be modernized for artistic and other activities; the museum's exhibitions and dissemination activities will be strengthened significantly – all for the benefit of future visitors, the experience of the more than 250-year-old historic theatre space and the contemporary use of the house.
During the closing period The Theatre Museum will be active on other fronts outside The Court Theatre. On the whole we want to make sure we are alive and present in other ways, also in other contexts and in other places. The history of theatre comes from and belongs to the whole country, and now we have a new chance to show it and tell all about it. We look forward to it all.
3. The Lethes Theatre in Faro, Portugal (member of the Iberia Route) wants to apply with the city of Faro as European Capital of Culture 2027.

The team at the Lethes Theater in Faro, Portugal (Iberian Route) are preparing for the city’s bid to become Capital of Culture in 2027. As part of this process they would like to set up a series of online conversation sessions with interested parties involved with “culture and architectural rehabilitation” to help them “think about the future of the Lethes Theater”. The conversations will last about 1hour and 30 minutes and aim to discuss and develop objectives as to how historic theatres may work together and continue to play a part in the communities of different countries.
We believe these sessions will be a valuable extension of our normal networking activities. If you are interested in joining the live sessions please e-mail us and we will pass on your details so that Lethes Theatre may make contact when they have a date for the first session.
Anyone interested is welcome to contact the theatre at email: