To help preserving these treasures for future generations, PERSPECTIV - ASSOCIATION OF HISTORIC THEATRES IN EUROPE was inaugurated in 2003. The non-profit organization wants to:
- encourage and support the conservation and restoration of historic theatres
- secure the continuous exchange between these theatres and everybody interested in them
- initiate and support research
- introduce the public to this extraordinary European cultural heritage
Please download the Statutes and a membership apllication form here:
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Members of the Association are historic theatres built between 1500 and about 1900. Furthermore, everybody who supports the goals of the Association can become a member.
The annual membership fee is:
for theatres 400 Euros
for organizations 400 Euros
for individuals 60 Euros
for students 25 Euros
Members receive periodically an electronic newsletter with information from the world of historic theatres.
Members meet every two years at the PERSPECTIV Congress to discuss the present situation and the future of this common European cultural heritage.
Members have access to the Members' section on this website.
Please contact us if you would like to know more.
Or simply fill in the application form and send it to us.